The Asian Small-Clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus), also known as the Oriental Small-Clawed Otter, is the smallest and most social of the otter species. These otters are known for their distinctive small claws, playful behavior, and high level of dexterity.
HabitatThese otters inhabit a wide range of freshwater and coastal environments, including rivers, streams, marshes, rice paddies, and mangroves. Their range extends from northern India and Nepal through Southeast Asia, including southern China, the Malay Peninsula, and parts of Indonesia and the Philippines. SizeThey are the smallest otter species, with body lengths ranging from 45 to 61 cm (18 to 24 inches) and a weight of 1 to 5 kg (2.2 to 11 lbs). Their tails add an additional 25 to 35 cm (10 to 14 inches) in length. OffspringThere is no fixed breeding season, and they can breed twice a year. The gestation period lasts about 60 days, with litters typically consisting of 1 to 6 pups. Both parents, along with older siblings, participate in raising the young, teaching them to swim and hunt. BehaviorTheir small claws and dexterous fingers allow them to find and extract prey from crevices and under rocks. They also use their forepaws to feed, a behavior unique among otter species. DietAsian Small-Clawed Otters have a varied diet that mainly consists of crustaceans, mollusks, and small aquatic animals. They are particularly adept at catching crabs and snails. |