
Prevost’s Squirrel

Prevost’s Squirrel, also known as the Tri-colored Squirrel (Callosciurusprevostii), is a vibrant and visually striking species native to the forests and plantations of Southeast Asia. Known for its distinctive three-toned coloration, this species adds a splash of color to its natural habitat.



Prevost’s Squirrel prefers dense tropical forests, including dipterocarp and secondary forests. It is also found in cultivated areas and gardens, showing some adaptability to human-altered landscapes. Their range is widespread across Southeast Asia, inhabiting countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia (in Borneo and Sumatra), and parts of Brunei.


These squirrels are medium-sized, with a body length ranging from 20 to 25 cm (about 8 to 10 inches), and their tail can be just as long if not longer, adding to their impressive appearance.


Prevost’s Squirrels can breed throughout the year, with females capable of having multiple litters annually. The female usually gives birth to 2-3 young after a gestation period of around 40 days. The offspring are born altricial (underdeveloped) and require care in the nest for several weeks.


They are generally solitary animals, coming together only during the breeding season or when abundant food sources are available. These squirrels are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, particularly in the early morning and late afternoon.


Their diet is omnivorous, consisting of fruits, nuts, seeds, buds, flowers, insects, and occasionally small birds or eggs. Their varied diet helps them to thrive in diverse forested environments.


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