
Freshwater Fishes

Young Red-tailed Catfish – They have a pattern of small white spots on their bodies, which may serve as a form of disruptive camouflage, helping them avoid detection by predators.

Red Garra – Known for their role in spa treatments. In certain spas, clients immerse their feet or hands in tanks filled with these fish, allowing them to nibble away dead skin, leaving the skin feeling smoother and refreshed.

Arapaima – Unlike most fish, arapaima have a modified swim bladder that functions like a lung, which allows them to breathe air from the surface. They need to come up for air every 15-20 minutes, making them more dependent on atmospheric oxygen than dissolved oxygen in the water.

Zebra Tilapia – They are known for their territorial and aggressive nature. They can be quite territorial and protective of their nesting sites, especially during the breeding season.

Gars – They are stealthy ambush predators that rely on their sharp teeth to catch prey, which can include fish, amphibians, and small birds. They often lurk in submerged vegetation, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Iridescent Sharks – They are not true sharks but rather a type of catfish. They are named “sharks” due to their appearance, which somewhat resembles that of a shark.

Tambaqui – They have specialized teeth designed for grinding and crushing the hard seeds and fruits they consume, which helps them digest plant material effectively.

Silver Arowana – Is often referred to as a “living fossil” because it is believed to have remained relatively unchanged for millions of years, making it one of the oldest fish species in existence.

Suckermouth Catfish – The color and pattern of Suckermouth Catfish can change based on their age, environment, and mood. Some species exhibit vibrant colors and patterns when they are healthy and comfortable.

Oscars – The color of Oscars can change based on their mood and health. They may become darker or lighter in response to their environment or social interactions.

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